Monday, October 5, 2009


Ok, so I have decided to be a coupon clipper. I really want to find ways of saving money, and doing everything possible to get out of debt - like yesterday.

So, today was my first big venture of couponing. I poured over the sales papers and coupon books. I have spent hours - yes HOURS, trying to get everything somewhat straight so that I can do this thing.

I went to CVS first. Total bill was around $35 - I actually spent $21, and I now have what I call CVS bucks to use on my next visit ($7 in extra bucks).

Next was Walgreens. Ok, I have to be honest. Walgreens is having a great sale on Frappucino. We love that here. I know that is not a money saver. I know that is an extra expense. But, OH what a lovely extra expense! :-) So, the limit on Frappucinos is 3... of course I bought 3! 4 packs that is... 3 of them! whew! I spent $17 in there on that visit :-) (saved $39 tho) I still have $5 in Walgreens bucks for next time too!

Then came Publix. Now, Publix does buy one get one frees... and I didn't have coupons for all of them... but I think I did ok. I spend $39, and saved $54. On the first trip. Since I wasn't too sure of how it all worked out, I didn't take all my coupons with me. DUMB DUMB DUMB I had to make another trip. I used coupons on some sale items too - that weren't buy one get one free. I thought I did really good. Hubby was with me for the second trip. We spent $28 and saved $58. He wasn't very happy with me. We have stocked up on a lot of items, but he just sees the spending...

So, anyway. My conclusion so far is this. Hopefully, in a month or so, I will have sped up the process so that I'm not spending so much time trying to get ready to go shopping. And maybe my stockpile will be good enough that I can just shop the good sales with the coupons... instead of having to some of the good sales just with good sales...

1 comment:

  1. The process will definitely have sped up before you know it! Jessica and my stockpiles keep us eating endlessly for weeks. Thanks so much for linking to our blog!
